Me? A missionary? Have you ever felt less than confident that you are equipped to be a missionary? If you have, you're not alone! Even home mission pastors may feel that way. Hear a reminder how the Gospel that every missionary carries to the world is not only Good News to those we share it with, but it is the Good News that gives missionaries confidence and competence as well!
Pastor Matt Rothe
2 Corinthians 3:4-6
We are so happy that you are able to join us for our virtual rally! Below are all the links you will need:
- Log in HERE for opening devotion and business meeting on Saturday, October 3rd at 9:00am
- To access our YouTube channel with all of our presentations CLICK HERE!
- To donate online to LWMS click HERE or you can always send a check to Cynthia Luedtke (treasurer) at 1374 Knollwood Drive Troutville, VA 24175. Please make checks out to LWMS Heritage Circuit.