Volunteer opportunities

  • The Usher’s task is to ensure the service goes smoothly, and to take care of anything that needs attention in the sanctuary, foyer, restrooms, or building. 

    Who Can Serve:  Any communicant congregational member, male or female, may serve as an usher.  

    Flowers: Provide flowers to beautify the Altar during Worship.

    Fellowship: Provide snacks and refreshments for Fellowship after Worship.

  • Acolyte assists service by lighting altar candles before service and extinguishing them after service. 

    Who can Acolyte: any member of Shepherd of the Bay Lutheran (generally older Sunday School age children and Catechism age children).

  • Audio Volunteer - builds the Music Script and plays selected Music for Worship Services, and controls the YouTube Live session during Service.  Open to anyone willing to learn, comfort with tech is very useful.

    Video Volunteer - Builds the Powerpoint Presentation for Worship Service and controls display of the Powerpoint during Worship Service. Technical skill is very Useful.